TRY IT! Meditation for Athletes

Happy Monday!

I'll be incorporating "Try It" blog entries, here and there, to introduce some of the tools that I offer to my athletes during sessions. Look out for these posts as mini-introductions to various skills to aid in mental performance... If any of the information peaks your interest and you have questions, please always feel free to email me!

Meditation is one of the skills I encourage all of my athlete's to try, practice and incorporate into their training and competitive routines. It takes daily practice and patience, but results are a greater ability to calm yourself down, re-frame thoughts and quickly pivot in the middle of a competitive event. Meditation is also good for better sleep and recovery, as well as everyday wellness for those struggling to find sport/life balance. I use meditation as a base for other mental performance skills, so it's a great place to start. 

Again, meditation takes practice... so if you struggle with it in the beginning, don't give up! There are various approaches to meditation, but I am going to have you start with quieting your mind. 



  • Sit upright in a comfortable position in a quiet place
  • Close your eyes and take several deep breaths
  • For one minute try to let all thoughts go by focusing on a color. Let your mind fill up with that color, coating every corner, nook and cranny. Notice your breathing. Notice the color that fills your mind.
  • Thoughts will come to mind. Acknowledge them and let them go. Do not become frustrated that thoughts keep popping up. 
  • I like to imagine that there is a stream flowing into one ear and out of the other... your thoughts are like leaves floating down that stream. Watch them come into your mind and float out at the same rate.
  • Start with one minute each day and slowly increase the time you are able to quiet your mind as you go. 

This can be a difficult project for competitive athletes, take your time and practice every day. 

Happy Meditating! 

Until Next Time,
